I.B.M. Application

Please complete the form below

Applying to I.B.M. is quick and easy. Just fill out the information required below and submit your application along with the processing fee. Acceptance of an applicant will not be determined until all components have been received by I.B.M.

For RENEWALS, please log into your My Account and click 'Pay My Dues' from the right side menu.

* required

M F Prefer not to specify

If your membership has not lapsed for more than 3 years, call the office (636-724-2400) to reinstate and avoid losing timed earned towards the Order of Merlin. If you were a former member of the I.B.M. and your membership has lapsed more than 3 years, please enter your old I.B.M. membership ID here (Optional):

Class of Membership Selection

Please provide the following information

Active Members

Youth Member (age 7 to 17)

Associate Member (spouse of an Active or Order of Merlin Member or Bonafide Assistant of an I.B.M. Member)

Life Member

All Life Members receive unlimited digital access to The Linking Ring, Life Membership Certificate, Life Membership pin, annual “Life Member Program Benefits”, and can receive the print edition of the Linking Ring. The same postal surcharge applies to all Life Members, as with all other membership categories.

Note: Digital access to The Linking Ring includes the Online Digital Edition and downloadable PDF files accessed through magician.org, plus mobile apps for Apple and android devices.

Total: $0.00

Total includes a one-time application fee of $15 for new members.

An extra $15.00 per year postage fee applies for applicants from Canada & Mexico. An extra $30.00 per year postage fee applies for all other applicants outside USA, Canada & Mexico.

By submitting this form with payment, I am agreeing to abide by the I.B.M. Pledge which is as follows: I hereby pledge that I will abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the International Brotherhood of Magicians and of any affiliated Rings of which I may become a member and any and all amendments thereto as well as its Convention mandates. I further pledge that I shall never violate any part of THE CODE OF ETHICS (opens in new window) of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. I also pledge not to expose the modus operandi of any magical effect. Upon my honor, I pledge to the above and attest that all statements made by me in this application are true.

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